- The Wanderer. WANDERER is an interactive web project exploring the role of memory creation as a starting point for the emergence of sentient AI. The project was developed by
Kristina Pulejkova . based on a series of discussion we had on consciousness and AI.
Echoes. Echoes is a documentary short in which I discuss the increasing use of Artificial Intelligence in our society, particularly focusing on its effect on Democracy.
- Monthly columns on `What's hot in argumentation' to a monthly online philosophy gazette called
The Reasoner.. The June 2017 issue contains an overview of argumentation that sets the scene for future columns.
- Podcast interview on ethical issues relating to AI, including surveillance capitalism, superintelligence, and the ethics of AIs designed to invite human ascription of consciousness to machines.
(Podcast #16) .
- Panel discussion on the ethics of AI, broadcast as a Guardian podcast
(Chips with Everything 22/6/18)..
To plug in or plug out? That is the question. Presentation at the 2016 Pint of Science Festival, on the dangers of AI and why we need machines to reason and debate about moral and ethical issues to help ensure dangers are averted.
- Co-organiser of workshop entitled Computers and Minds held in Edinburgh on 21 November 2014. The workshop was co-organised with the
Institute of Philosophy, under the aegis of the
Human Mind Project (see page 20 of the report on the project), and brought together academics (Aaron Sloman, Anil Seth, Francis Egan and Murray Shanahan) working on state of the art of research at the interface of philosophy of mind, computational neuroscience, robotics and artificial intelligence. The workshop was followed by a public event at which Andy Clark and Sethu Vijayakumar gave presentation.
- Interview for Radio 4 series
Something Understood on the topic of artificial souls