Topics in the Module

- What is Intelligence ?
- What is Artificial Intelligence ?
- Narrow, General and Super Intelligence.
- How can we tell that a machine is intelligent ?
- Arguments against the possibility of Artificial Intelligence/The Chinese Room.


- Introducing the experiential dimension of consciousness (Reinterpreting the Chinese Room)
- Theories of Consciousness and Philosophical Zombies.
- Conscious States and the role/functions of Consciousness.
- Informational Theories of Consciousness and the possibility of conscious AI.

Reasoning and Communication

- Logical approaches to AI.
- Machine Learning and AI.
- Argumentation Theory (Argumentation as a way of formalising non-monotonic reasoning).
-Argumentation and Communication (Generalising argumentation so as to formalise Distributed Reasoning via Dialogue).
- Argumentation and Epistemology.

Ethics and Morality

- Ethical Challenges for Artificial Intelligence
- Philosophical Accounts of Ethics and Morality
- Implementing Moral Agents
- Consequentialism and Utilitarianism


- Accountability, Responsibility and Justice.
- Algorithmic Bias

AI for Good. AI for Bad

- Lethal Autonomous Weapons: Arguments for and Against Banning them
- AI in Medicine. Examples and Ethical Issues
- Towards a Professional Code of Ethics

Superintelligence and the Value Loading Problem

- Kinds of Superintelligence
- Paths to Superintelligence
- The Value Loading/Alignment Problem

AI and Human Society

- Filter Bubbles and Echo Chambers
- AI in Dialogue with Humans
- The Impact of AI on what it is to be Human (Surveillance Capitalism, AI and Work, and the prospect of sentient/conscv block.